Proud Member of Doctor Podcast Network The podcast for Smart Professionals who want a life of freedom and fulfillment. Each episode is created and delivered by a physician coach to help you experience more in life. . .through shifting mindset from one that keeps you stuck, to one that makes you unstoppable.

Friday Dec 30, 2022
Ep #170 - 3 Things to Leave Behind in 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
This podcast is about sharing blocks/ideas/ways to improve your quality of life by shifting both mindset and practices. Today’s episode provides you with 3 things that you can leave behind in 2022. You’ll hear what they are, see how they hold you back, and have tools to set them down and walk into 2023 more free. It’s all part of living an Unstoppable Life.
Women physicians & dentists - join us in Emerge. . . a community for meaningful connection and unique gatherings. Sign up for the email list and join the community kick-off on Sunday, January 1st. https://www.denageorgemd.com/nextjourney

Friday Dec 23, 2022
Ep #169 - Create a More Meaningful Life in 2023
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
First - print out a copy of this graphic. . . big smile.
Today’s episode is a celebration and close-out of 2023. That’s right - we are going to be thinking about how 2023 went - what we experienced, where we traveled, what we created, and how we’ve grown for the year that starts in only 9 days. The goal is to generate depth and excitement for the year you want to experience. In this episode you'll hear how Bev Aron (incredible thought leader & coach) shared the process of ending the year before it begins. I'll then guide you through the categories of a meaningful life, and share how I'm thinking about a year from now. It's a fun journey to start today.
We all need community & strong relationships for a meaningful life. There are 2 communities for women physicians & dentists:
- Emerge
- Women Warrior Healers - exclusively for Active Duty or Veteran women of the US

Friday Dec 16, 2022

Saturday Dec 10, 2022
Ep #167 - Climbing Mountains with Dr. Nerissa Kreher
Saturday Dec 10, 2022
Saturday Dec 10, 2022
We are all climbing mountains in some way. . .doing incredible things that challenge us physically and mentally.
Today’s conversation is with Dr. Nerissa Kreher, a physician in the biotech world and Mom to two amazing young adults. She has taken on 2 extraordinary challenges - raising money for the Fred Hutch Cancer Center and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. In just 2 months she’ll leave with a team from around the country to ascend to 19,000+ feet.
In this episode we explore how she’s preparing her mind and body for this challenge. We talk about what’s been most uncomfortable and what she considers success. She also shares what she’s learned through training, and some advice for all of us climbing metaphorical mountains.
Follow the journey on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/journey2kilimanjaro/
Support the Fred Hutch Cancer Center here - https://secure.fredhutch.org/site/TR/Climb/FredHutchinsonCancerResearchCenter?px=2016720&pg=personal&fr_id=2050
Find Nerissa here - https://industrymdcoach.com/

Friday Dec 02, 2022
Ep #166 - Peace, Calm and Connection with Dr. Santi Tanikella
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Today’s episode is all about creating more peace, calm, and connection for the holiday season. It’s a fun conversation with Dr. Santi Tanikella who exudes kindness and grace. We’ll cover ways to create more depth during the holidays, and how to overcome the threats to peace. Near the end of the episode, Santi will guide you to reconnect with yourself through a meditation she created.
Peace, calm, and connection don’t magically happen. . .especially for the high achiever. They require doing less intentionally, stepping back from wanting/needing to control, and enjoying the moments exactly as they are.
Santi Tanikella, MD, is a General Pediatrician, Integrative Medicine practitioner, and Life Coach. Her deepest aspiration is to help others find peace and strength – no matter what their challenges are. She has always been interested in the intersection between mind, body, spirit, and motivation. She uses the wisdom of mind-body medicine and coaching to help her clients become aware of negative thought patterns, understand them, and move beyond them so that they can live an empowered life.
Website: iamwellmd.com
Email: iamwellmd@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamwellmd

Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Ep #165 - The Unease Within Us
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Many, many high achievers experience guilt, shame, and unworthiness. This podcast episode is all about noticing the unease or restlessness in your body that accompanies these emotions. It’s the unease that we try to push away or numb out from. . . distracting us from what we really want in life - peace, meaning, fulfillment.
We’ll explore how to recognize it, notice the patterns/behaviors that accompany it, and what you can do to stay intentional and in alignment with your values. Rather than being something to run away from, unease can be a beautiful sign that realignment is needed.

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Ep #164 - The Pain of Indecision
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Today’s episode is about Indecision and what it steals from our lives. You’ll see why it is difficult to make decisions, and learn a simple tool to assess the weight of any decision you are making. You’ll also gain a better framework for making powerful decisions more often. There may even be some conversation about the Army Reserves (big smile).
Decisions can be easy, fun, meaningful, light, humorous, and with far less suffering than you’ve experienced in the past. They are what lead to a more unstoppable life.

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Ep #163 - My Unexpected Journey (Happy Veterans Day)
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
So often I think I know. . . the “right way”, the “right time”, the “right decisions”, only to find out that each day is a new day.
Today’s episode is about what’s happening within me right now. . . timely for Veterans Day. You’ll hear about “this feeling” and how I’m navigating the unknown with trusted souls who aren’t (yet) on board. You’ll also hear encouragement for your calling, and how to navigate it in a meaningful way. We don’t need the answers right now, and they are not available. We simply need trust for the next best step forwards.
Happy Veterans Day and a special shout-out to the life of CSM Gary Bess and his family. Thank you for your service, we miss you already.

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Ep #162 - Intentional & Meaningful with Dr. Kathy Zhang
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
This real conversation is with Dr. Luyi Kathy Zhang, a palliative care & hospice physician, podcaster, author, and life coach who helps people build a purposeful life. We cover how she thinks about her life, adds more intention into her work, and keeps growing in a meaningful way. You’ll hear her journey of discovering her voice and sharing it with others. You’ll also hear gems of wisdom, and what she wants everyone in the world to know.
Kathy’s mission is to bring the clarity, purpose and meaning that comes with confronting one’s mortality to those fortunate enough not to—because everyone deserves to live the life they want with the time they have left.
Connect with her in these ways:
Website - luyikathyzhang.com
Instagram - instagram.com/purposefilter
The Purpose Filter podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-purpose-filter/id1579203704

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Ep #161 - Becoming an Abundant Receiver
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Giving is simple. It’s something we do a lot as high achievers. Sometimes (or quite often) we give more than we have.
Today’s episode is about being on the other side. . . becoming an abundant receiver. We’ll explore what holds us back from receiving, and how to move forward in a way that honors ourselves and the giver. You’ll see that you are not alone and that better is possible.
Create more depth in your relationships and become a better giver by abundantly receiving.
Women + Physician or Dentist + Active Duty or Veteran = Women Warrior Healers. Join the facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenwarriorhealers
Women + Physician or Dentist = Emerge for Doctors. Join the community here: https://www.denageorgemd.com/nextjourney
Women Physicians or Dentists in San Antonio area who want to meet up in early November - email me Hello@GeorgeMDCoaching.com