Proud Member of Doctor Podcast Network The podcast for Smart Professionals who want a life of freedom and fulfillment. Each episode is created and delivered by a physician coach to help you experience more in life. . .through shifting mindset from one that keeps you stuck, to one that makes you unstoppable.

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Ep #180 - Brain Space
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
This episode is filled with exciting updates on Emerge, the talk given at Texas A&M, and what this summer looks like. We’ll also be exploring the concept of brain space at a simplified level. Specifically, the processing, storage, and retrieval of memories, from the perspective of default systems and becoming more intentional. It’s designed to help you free yourself from patterns that negatively consume your time and energy.
Think differently and demand better from your brain. . . this episode will show you how.

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Ep #179 - A Foundation for Intentional and Ethical Leadership
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Intentional and ethical leadership requires great clarity and focus (to be successful). Today’s podcast episode explores 6 principles to help you see the bigger picture for any problem or challenge. We’ll cover each principle, talk about why it matters, and build a foundation for making decisions in the midst of uncertainty. All so that you can better serve the people you lead.

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Ep #178 - Addiction, Humility, and Hope with Dr. Errin Weisman
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Ep #178 - Addiction, Humility, and Hope with Dr. Errin Weisman
Dr. Errin Weisman has been part of my life for 4-5 years now. . . and today’s episode is absolutely incredible. It’s a whole new level of conversation. . .you will feel her love, see her depth, and experience her clarity on healing and supporting recovery from addiction.
Everyone needs to listen. . . and see all the beauty that arises when one is living their calling and sharing their gifts. This is what an unstoppable life looks like.
Experience all the joy that Errin offers:
Website - www.burntouttobadass.com/
Instagram - Burntout_to_Badass

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Ep#177 - Getting Out of Getting It Right
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
In this joyous episode, we’ll explore ‘high standards’, ‘getting it right’, and other terms we use that really mean perfectionism. It’s something that many of us high achievers do.
We’ll explore the definition (and trap) of perfectionism. We’ll also explore the components of it and how to untangle ourselves from the web that keeps us stuck. All to reach a higher level of living an unstoppable life.
All women physicians and dentists are invited to Emerge - a meaningful community. SIgn up here - www.denageorgemd.com/nextjourney . If you are also a Veteran or on Active Duty, join Women Warrior Healers here - www.denageorgemd.com/W2H

Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Ep#176 - Recovering Better
Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Saturday Feb 25, 2023
High achievers. . . we deny a lot, especially when things change and we are struggling.
Today’s episode provides a framework for recovering better. . . starting from when there is an abrupt change and your mind is spinning around in overwhelm. I’ll share what’s normal, what we do and no longer have to, and how you can create more calm and ease. It’s all part of living an unstoppable life.

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Ep #175 - Lessons on the Road to Being Still
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Being still is not something we high achievers do often (or well). We prefer staying busy with an overloaded to-do list. (Big smile)
Today’s podcast episode is all about the last 2 weeks and a new call to be still. I’ll share the precipitant for this unexpected journey, and the lessons I’ve learned. Laugh with me and take some notes. . . there are take-aways for creating a more unstoppable life.

Friday Feb 03, 2023
Ep #174 - Flourishing with Dr. Tricia Wooden
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Life is difficult. Relationships are difficult. Organizations are difficult. It’s been a difficult three years since the world changed. So how do we move beyond surviving. . . into flourishing?
Dr. Tricia Wooden is here to walk us through it. She’s deeply introspective and has thought a lot about flourishing at an organizational level and personal level. In this episode we cover what wellness looks like, how she thinks about it, and the habits she’s adopted to flourish in her life.
Tricia is a wife, mother, and family physician, and passionate advocate/leader for clinician well-being. She received her MD degree from Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. She is also a Navy Veteran and member of Women Warrior Healers.

Friday Jan 27, 2023
Ep #173 - Reflections On Who We Are Called To Be
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
This short episode contains reflections on who we are called to be as high achievers with the capability to give and live at an extraordinary level. We’ll review some of the wisdom from the last episode shared by Dr. Mariano, and the why behind reaching farther and living louder. It’s all to create the world that we want to live in.

Friday Jan 13, 2023
Ep #172 - Wisdom from Dr. Connie Mariano
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
This episode is filled with so much greatness. Dr. Connie Mariano has led an unstoppable life and shares her world with us - where she’s been, what she’s learned, how she thinks about service and serves all who come in contact with her, and what she’s welcoming for 2023. In the next 30 minutes you'll smile, tear up, and feel a genuine connection to the stories she shares.
Dr. Connie Mariano is used to breaking barriers and shattering the glass ceiling.
Her life has been filled with many achievements: high school valedictorian, graduate with honors at the University of California at San Diego, medical degree from the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine, and a distinguished 24-year career in the U. S. Navy.
Dr. Mariano has also been the first in the following achievements:
- The first military woman to become the White House Physician to the President
- The first woman Director of the White House Medical Unit
- The first Filipino American in US history to become a Navy Rear Admiral
Dr. Mariano now works full time in her private practice, the Center for Executive Medicine, in Scottsdale. She is the author of the book, The White House Doctor: My Patients were Presidents, A Memoir. She also hosts her own talk show on the VoiceAmerica network, “House Calls with Dr Connie,”.
Even with all of her accomplishments, she believes her most important titles are wife, mother, grandmother, and since July 2019, widow. She is currently writing her memoir about widowhood and launching her second monthly podcast, The Widow’s Walk, on the Voice America Empowerment Channel dedicated to the 700,000 new widows each year in America.
Find out more about Dr. Mariano at www.cemedicine.com

Friday Jan 06, 2023
Ep #171 - A Habit That Holds You Back
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Today we are exploring a habit that many of us have - self-protection during times of uncertainty or perceived threat. This concept is presented beautifully by Dr. Brené Brown in her book Atlas of the Heart.
Here’s what we do as normal humans during times of stress or strain - default to believing with certainty what we (think we) know, armoring up to defend ourselves, and knowing everything rather than being open to learning. In this state, we make decisions quickly, even irrationally, to avoid feeling things like. . . vulnerability. . . uncertainty. . . and foolishness.
In this episode, we’ll also explore two offerings of living differently in the world, offered by Big Love and Dr. Brown. Simple steps are available to go from ‘normal human behavior’ to living a life that is extraordinary.
Happy New Year friends. It's going to be an incredible year.