Proud Member of Doctor Podcast Network The podcast for Smart Professionals who want a life of freedom and fulfillment. Each episode is created and delivered by a physician coach to help you experience more in life. . .through shifting mindset from one that keeps you stuck, to one that makes you unstoppable.

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Ep# 130 - Finding Your Way Home
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
We often say we are going home for the holidays referring to a physical space with others. This episode invites you to think differently, and look at being home as a state of mind. Finding your way home is today’s episode - the place inside where you engage your senses and experience peace and fulfillment. We’ll cover what being home truly means, and how you can get there too. Finding your way home will help you lead a more extraordinary life.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Ep# 129 - Before & After the Marathon
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Back in June I had a fantastic idea to run a marathon. (Fantastic might not be the most accurate word. . . smile) It was something I’d been thinking about for years, and it was finally time to take the challenge.
Today’s episode is a before & after with Craig, who joined me on this adventure. We share what we thought it would be like, what it actually was like, and some surprising take-aways that apply to every aspect of life. It was a joy to record this episode - we hope it brings you joy.
For women physicians - grow your community of support to renew your life & your career. The Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference is just around the corner. Join us in San Antonio - all the details are at www.AuthenticPhysicians.com

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Ep# 128 - What is the Price of Freedom?
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
There is a lot of magical thinking out there that someday when we've paid our dues we will earn our freedom. There is no magic. You've already paid your dues. It's time to simplify and reclaim your well being.
When you refuse to accept what is handed to you and you're willing to invest in a solution, you create your own freedom. There is always a price to pay whether it's a financial, emotional, or physical one. Today, I share some of the prices Craig and I have paid to get our freedom, and how you can find yours too.
The Get Unstuck with Your Marketing Event - Tuesday, Dec 14th at 6:30 pm Central (4:30 pm Pacific/7:30 pm Eastern) - sign up for this FREE event here - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/getunstuck
Join the next Virtual Coffee for the Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference for Women Physicians - Sunday, Jan 23 at 4 pm Central (2 pm Pacific/5 pm Eastern) - sign up here - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/virtualcoffee. Learn more & register for the conference at AuthenticPhysicians.com

Friday Dec 03, 2021
Ep# 127 - 2 Extraordinary Holiday Gifts
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
In the past few episodes, we have talked about setting yourself up for a deeper life experience. Today’s episode is on two gifts you can give yourself this holiday season. . .and in 2022. Both of these may come as a surprise, as they have not been a focal point in prior episodes. Both will help you experience more time, energy and joy.
Give yourself plenty of gifts this season that will nurture your mind, body and spirit. (And start with these two - smile.)
All women physicians who are frustrated, feel alone, or depleted - the Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference is for you. Check it out at AuthenticPhysicians.com.

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Ep# 126 - Nurturing Yourself Through the Holidays.
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
From now until the end of the year, we all will be surrounded by holiday busyness. It can be magical & joyous. . .and stressful & depleting.
Today's podcast episode will give you 4 ingredients (ways and how-to’s) to nourish yourself through the holidays…to create more purpose and fulfillment this season and in your life ahead.

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Ep# 125 - Living on the Leftovers
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
So often as high achievers we put others first. . .and live on the crumbs left-over. We give ourselves the minimum and expect the maximum in performance. . . and then wonder why it breaks down. Smile.
Today’s podcast is all about exploring the concept of living on the leftovers - why we do it, what it takes to change, and what our life can look like when we actually plan & prioritize ourselves.
An unstoppable life doesn’t magically happen. . .it is the result of curating how we think, how we plan & prioritize, and consistently following through. It’s waiting for you.
Bonus content immediately following today’s episode - hear an overview on the planning/process for the Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference for Women Physicians. Learn More & Sign Up at AuthenticPhysicians.com

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Ep# 124 - Clean Slate (How to Create Freedom)
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Shame, guilt, and anger. . .to name a few. . .are all part of the “normal” human experience. And it weighs us down tremendously.
Today’s podcast episode is all about creating a clean slate. Simply described, it’s putting down the frustrations, tender points, and unresolved issues, so that we can be open to life and present in the moment. This is what invites calm and peace into your day. This is what creates clarity & focus.
Creating a clean slate - and keeping it clean - is your ticket to freedom. I’ll walk you through how to create one, and all the benefits you’ll receive from using it.
The Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference is where Women Physicians will learn this and so much more. Join us in San Antonio for a unique experience that will renew your life & career. AuthenticPhysicians.com - learn more & register.

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Ep# 123 - Staying Open (to a Deeper Life Experience)
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
A lot of people want to experience warmth and openness in this world. Except, too often we put up blocks to protect ourselves. It’s normal human behavior. Today’s episode is about doing just the opposite - staying open. I’ll walk you through reconnecting with the times that you’ve felt open, free, safe, and connected. Then show you how to create more of those moments. This is what leads to more depth, meaning and purpose in life.
Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference for Women Physicians - Learn More & Register at AuthenticPhysicians.com
Join the Extraordinary Results for Your Marketing Tiny Group Coaching Program. The link to schedule a call is on Instagram - @DenaGeorgeMD in the bio section.

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Ep# 122 - Preparing for Winter (Financially Speaking) with Justin Harvery
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Winter is coming in more ways than one. Around us we can see the leaves changing and temperatures dropping. We are also hearing more and more concern from financial experts that our economy may soon be struggling.
Today’s episode is with Financial Planner Justin Harvey on how you can prepare for winter (financially speaking), and why consistency is always the key to building wealth. In this conversation are simple steps to get started and stay focused.
Justin is the founder of APM Wealth whose mission is to help clients and friends in the anesthesia and pain world to make better decisions, radically reduce stress, and live more aligned lives.
Connect with Justin
Registration will be open for the Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference for Women Physicians on Monday, November 1st. Follow me on Instagram @DenaGeorgeMD for the link to register.
Extraordinary Results for your Marketing/Messaging with Tiny Group Coaching - details are here.
If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur that needs short term and long term business support, reach out to Craig at CGeorge@VirtualAideDeCamp.com

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Ep# 121 - Tender Points in Life
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
When we grow and push ourselves to start a new activity, career, or adventure, the tender points come out. We are talking about real emotion - sadness, not enoughness, anger or disappointment. . .stuff that’s been tucked away for years. Often, tender points are viewed as negative and something to be avoided. However, there’s another way of viewing these.
In this episode, we’ll go into more detail about what tender points are and why they show up. We’ll also look at how these just may be beautiful gifts for your life and the exact direction for you to grow.
Tender points - we all have them, and they are the exact path towards an unstoppable life.
Sign up for Next Steps - the Live Virtual Group Event to refresh your marketing - on Thursday, Oct 27 at 7 pm Central - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqce-rrj0tEtU2ImoRVHs9GC4dVhnMh2Rx
Join the Launch List for the Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference for Women Physicians - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/ace