Proud Member of Doctor Podcast Network The podcast for Smart Professionals who want a life of freedom and fulfillment. Each episode is created and delivered by a physician coach to help you experience more in life. . .through shifting mindset from one that keeps you stuck, to one that makes you unstoppable.

Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Ep #60 - It's Better Here
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Ahhhh...the trap of believing that wherever we are going will be better than where we are at. Except, it usually doesn't work out that way. The elusive 'there' looks a lot like here. Today's episode is all about how 'Here' is better - how to think about it this way and to work through the discomfort that comes up. You can start living the life you want today, without anything around you changing. . . because it's all about adjusting your mindset. That's freedom - phenomenal freedom. So glad you are here!

Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Ep #59 - Entitled
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Welcome to this episode. Today we are covering entitled thinking and what it leads to. It's easy to believe that we do not have entitled thinking. . . but look deeper. It's there in sneaky and subtle ways, and it compromises our ability to create and grow a phenomenal life. Uncovering this and clearing it out of your life will completely change your life experience - and further you down the road to phenomenal. So glad you are here!

Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Ep #58 - Resisting Complements
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
What's more difficult for you - accepting a complement or criticism? For many high achievers, it's accepting the complement. Our mind comes up with all the reasons the complement is invalid. Today we are going to explore this in more detail and look at some common defense mechanisms that keep us stuck. We'll also explore why it's necessary to traverse this path of discomfort, and how to get started. All part of the process to create a phenomenal life. So glad you are here!

Saturday Aug 03, 2019
Ep #57 - Getting Started
Saturday Aug 03, 2019
Saturday Aug 03, 2019
Ohhhhh. . .it's so easy to say we don't know, we have to figure it out, we have to 'look into it' before making any changes to grow our life. Today we are exploring this, including the mind drama that it creates. The awesome news - by listening to this podcast - you've already started. It's only a matter of where you want to go next, and I'll show you how.

Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Ep #56 - How
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
The mind of an over-achiever and over-thinker is complicated at times. . .you may have noticed. (Smile) In today's episode we'll explore how a simple question, asking how, can lead to frustration and quitting. When I ask the question of how to accomplish something, I invite in doubt and uncertainty. .. followed by frustration and quitting. Today's episode will explore this concept in more detail, help you recognize your own thought traps, and provide examples of thinking differently. All with the goal of creating a more phenomenal life.

Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Ep #55 - The Risk of Being Wrong
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
There is so much we can learn in any situation. I've been working with medical students recently who have taught me a tremendous amount. . .and today is an opportunity to share it with you.
It's risky to be imperfect - to answer incorrectly or incompletely. . . it can bring about shame, embarrassment, or downright humiliation. Today we will look at it in more detail . . .and discuss ways for you to see the reward on the other side of risk. Reward personally and professionally when you give yourself the freedom to be imperfect and learn, at any time in your life and profession.
Many thanks to the students who have worked with me and inspired this episode.

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Ep #54 - 1 Year Later & First Responders
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
It's time to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of this podcast - thank you for being here. . . joining this journey of wanting more and doing the work to get it. Today we celebrate! We are also going to explore a new concept I refer to as First Responders - the thoughts and emotions that show up when things aren't going as planned or at our most vulnerable times. We'll discuss identifying your first responders, and a process to optimize your thinking and create more phenomenal.
Happy 1 year. . . so thankful for you.

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Ep #53 - Value
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Each week in the podcast we discuss new or different frameworks to think about your thinking. Today we are looking at guiding life through the value we give and receive. It's all with the goal of creating more phenomenal in your life. . . intentionally and sustainably.

Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Ep #52 - Money
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Money. One word can bring out so much emotion in many of us. We'll explore the relationship with money - what it is, and what it can be. Growing life includes optimizing the mindset around money and getting rid of the beliefs and practices that do not serve us well.
Winning with money, winning in life, is all about mindset.

Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Ep #51 - Selling
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Regardless of profession or education, we are always selling. Especially as a coach, and even as a doctor, I am selling all the time. . . and this episode looks at what that means. I invite you to challenge your mind to see what and how you sell in your life. And then to see if that matches with what you are striving for. This episode opens a door into a new way of thinking about your thinking, and creating a life that you love.