Proud Member of Doctor Podcast Network The podcast for Smart Professionals who want a life of freedom and fulfillment. Each episode is created and delivered by a physician coach to help you experience more in life. . .through shifting mindset from one that keeps you stuck, to one that makes you unstoppable.

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Ep# 110 - One Choice That Will Change Your Life
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
One powerful choice can change your life.
This episode is all about a choice that most people didn’t know they could make - the choice to belong. We’ll cover all the stuff that keeps high achievers stuck and isolated from others. And then we’ll talk about all the reasons to choose to belong.
Your quality of life is affected by your belief in belonging. The more places you allow yourself to belong, the more you will feel like you are home no matter where you are at or who you are with. Choose to see yourself as belonging and your life will change.
This week's sponsor is Advice Media. Don’t delay booking your demo today for a $60 Amazon Gift Card and some awesome insight on how to improve your digital presence, go to doctorpodcastnetwork.com/advicemedia.
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network.

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Ep# 109 - Be More Clear and Focused
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
In the past couple of episodes, I've discussed the ways our mind tricks us into thinking we're failures, or shows us that we have no reason for celebration. It’s easy for the high achiever to get stuck, ignore progress, and focus on what hasn’t been done.
Instead of celebrating only tangible results and major victories, we can learn to be proud of ourselves without doing anything more.
Today I share three prompts that I use with my clients. . . to help them shift how they see themselves and measure their growth. You can use these same prompts in the same way. In fact, your responses to these prompts will both surprise you, and help you experience more freedom and fulfillment.
Learn more about the Taos Adventure with Dr. Errin Weisman and me here - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/taosadventure
Listen to ‘Dr. Dena George on Editing Your Story’ - episode 66 on Life Coaching for Women Physicians podcast by Dr. Ali Novitsky. This is a sweet conversation on how to create a higher quality of life.
As a physician, you routinely check your patients' health. But when was the last time you checked the financial health of your practice? Request your free revenue cycle assessment and learn more from today's sponsor, CareCloud, at www.doctorpodcastnetwork.com/carecloud.
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network.

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Ep# 108 - Failing on Every Front
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
A little failure can easily become a massive amount of failure in our mind. It occurs for so many of us - a small perceived failure in one area turns into failing in every area. Before we know it, all we see is failure, and all we do is beat ourselves up. It steals our hope and our energy. This episode covers how it happens and what you can do about it - to reclaim your time, your energy, and your passion for creating an unstoppable life.
Learn more about the Taos Adventure with Dr. Errin Weisman and me here - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/taosadventure
Sign up for the last complimentary web class on July 25 - ‘4 Mistakes Physicians Make With Their Website & How You Can Do Better’ - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/4mistakesphysiciansmake
Are you too busy to build the professional digital presence your business needs? Then reach out to Advice Media at www.doctorpodcastnetwork.com/advicemedia
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network.

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Ep #107 - What strength really means with Dr. Ali Novitsky
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Too often we define ourselves based on how we measure up to societal norms, especially around strength and power. In today's episode, Dr. Ali Novitsky opens up about her journey to how she grew into her power and redefined strength (and how all of us can do it too).
You can find Ali at Life Coaching for Women Physicians where she helps women physicians achieve their optimal health (physically, mentally, and emotionally).
IG - @alinovitsky
FB - Ali Novitsky MD
Podcast - Life Coaching for Women Physicians
Sign up for the web class ‘4 Mistakes Physicians Make With Their Website & How You Can Do Better’ - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/4mistakesphysiciansmake
Are you too busy to build the professional digital presence your business needs? Then reach out to Advice Media at www.doctorpodcastnetwork.com/advicemedia
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network!

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Ep #106 - Overcoming the Fear of Being Seen
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Being seen. . .it’s one of the greatest fears for many high achievers. Truly being seen for all that you are AND all that you are not. Being seen brings out fear of judgment and leads to playing very small in life.
Today’s episode explores being seen - why it’s easier not to be, where the judgment is really coming from, and how you can create your own freedom. It’s all an essential part of an unstoppable life.
Sign up for the web class ‘4 Mistakes Physicians Make With Their Website & How You Can Do Better’ here - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/4mistakesphysiciansmake
Dr. Errin Weisman is passionate about creating sustainable careers for women and fundamentally changing the toxic culture of healthcare one woman at a time. Check out her podcast Doctor Me First at www.doctorpodcastnetwork.com/doctormefirst
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network.

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Ep #105 - What Loneliness Can Teach Us
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Loneliness. . .it’s so common to experience and rare to talk about. Especially for high achievers. (Smile) It actually has a lot to teach us.
In this podcast episode, I’m going to dissect loneliness in a way you likely haven’t heard before. Then we’ll cover a new way of thinking about yourself and the step ahead to lead a whole life. . .and unstoppable life.
Let’s connect on Instagram - @denageorgemd.
This podcast is a proud member of Doctor Podcast Network!

Friday Jun 25, 2021
Ep #104 - A Double Standard to Break Up With
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Too often we hold ourselves to an impossible double standard. We speak to ourselves cruelly when we make a mistake, which we would never do to a loved one. We justify it and believe it is essential. Except. . . there’s a reason we don’t speak to others in this manner - it causes harm.
This episode of Create an Unstoppable Life walks you through the process of identifying this painful double standard in your life and breaking up with it. You’ll learn new (and inspiring) ways of talking to yourself. . .so that you can experience more fulfillment and freedom.
For more inspiration on life and business, follow me on Instagram - @denageorgemd
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network!

Friday Jun 18, 2021
Ep #103 -Thinking Bigger - Your How To Guide
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
How many excuses have you made for not doing something you really want to do? We often tell ourselves things like, 'it's too soon', 'I'm not ready', or 'I'm too busy'.
The reality is that thinking bigger is a learned skill and it never fits into the slivers of our day. This episode of the podcast explores thinking bigger - why we don’t, how to start, and how it changes our life.
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network!

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Ep #102 - The Entrepreneurial Journey with Dr. Cobin Soelberg
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Being a doctor is a long journey for many, and Dr. Cobin Soelberg never let his career get in the way of his curiosity. In addition to being a board-certified anesthesiologist with a degree in law, he finds joy in helping other physicians as a financial planner at Greeley Wealth. After learning the hard way how to manage his finances, he works to make sure other doctors are set up for financial success no matter how much student loan debt they carry.
In this episode, Dr. Soelberg shares his journey of becoming an entrepreneur and finding fulfillment in his life and career.
You can reach Cobin at GreeleyWealth.com and Cobin@GreeleyWealth.com
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network!

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep #101 - Giving Up the Comfort of Worry
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
For many, worry is a way of responding to uncertainty and change. It's easy to go to and remain stuck in. However, it never takes life to an extraordinary place. In this episode, we’ll explore worry, how it holds you back, and what you can do to free yourself. On the other side of worry is the life you are seeking - one filled with confidence and freedom.
I'd love to connect with you beyond the podcast. Find me on my website here.
A proud member of Doctor Podcast Network!