Proud Member of Doctor Podcast Network The podcast for Smart Professionals who want a life of freedom and fulfillment. Each episode is created and delivered by a physician coach to help you experience more in life. . .through shifting mindset from one that keeps you stuck, to one that makes you unstoppable.

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Ep# 120 - The Ingredients for an Extraordinary Life
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Today we are talking about the ingredients for an extraordinary life. It's not what you think - it's so much simpler. (Spoiler alert - it's actually already within you. . .we are simply uncovering it for you to notice.)
Join the Launch List for the Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference for Women Physicians - https://d.georgemdcoaching.com/ace

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Ep# 119 - The Real Imposter
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Chances are you’ve considered yourself an imposter in some aspect of your work - you haven’t learned enough, practiced enough, or obtained all the degrees available. Sound familiar? You aren’t alone.
Today’s podcast episode will take you on a new adventure. We are exploring imposter syndrome in a way you likely haven’t heard before. . .and then getting clear on the real imposter. This episode may change everything for you - how you see yourself, your work, and your contributions to others.
Creating an unstoppable life is easier when you see yourself for who you really are - someone with tremendous gifts that change lives for the better.

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Ep# 118 - Becoming More Certain
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Certainty - it’s something all humans want. Especially humans who are taking risks to do things they’ve never done before. The need for certainty keeps us focused on fear, doubt and uncertainty.
Today’s episode offers you another definition of certainty - and the only certainty that you can rely on - internal certainty. Being certain of yourself that you are thoughtful, that you will fall and get back up, and that you will always follow through. This certainty will get you anywhere you want to go. . .and show you that you have everything you need.
Becoming more certain is absolutely possible and easier than you think. Enjoy this episode and the fulfillment that comes from creating an unstoppable life.
Today's sponsor is Deputy. To learn more — and try Deputy out for free — go to doctorpodcastnetwork.com/deputy

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Ep# 117 - A New Way of Thinking About Contribution
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Contribution is easily defined as giving. However, it is so much more. Today’s episode explores the depth that contribution brings to both our lives and the lives of others.
This episode will walk you through the following: giving, understanding the emotional return (or cost) of your contribution, and the alignment of giving with your core values. We’ll take it one step farther and explore how your contributions impact others - it’s not always what you think or you intend.
A general practice of high achievers is to give until you have nothing left. This episode will help you re-think what you do and how you do it. . .all with the goal of creating more freedom and fulfillment for yourself and others.
Don’t forget to visit doctorpodcastnetwork.com/locumstory to get real, unbiased answers to all your locum tenens questions.

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Ep# 116 - Unnecessary Gaps and How to Close Them
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
We all have gaps in many areas of our life - the space between what is and what should be. Gaps invite judgment, shame and a whole lot of pain. They keep us spinning around and stuck. And we spend a lot of time fighting to get out, while simultaneously holding on to what got us there.
Gaps are such a normal part of the human experience. Most of us have no idea that we are in them, and have no idea the amount of suffering and pain they cause. Today’s episode will help you identify where you are stuck in a gap, see the self-created pain that exists there and show you the steps to break free. All so that you can create an unstoppable life.
This week's episode is sponsored by Deputy. To learn more about Deputy visit: doctorpodcastnetwork.com/deputy

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Ep# 115 - Modifiers & Minimizers
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Today we are talking about the concept of modifiers - words that high achievers add on in conversation to create a “more accurate description” of effort or accomplishment. You will hear what modifiers sound like, and see what they really create for you and the person you are talking with.
Identifying and shedding the modifiers in your life will take you closer to living an unstoppable life.
Just how patient do you need to be? Deputy makes it easy to schedule staff in line with patient demand, communicate schedules with your team, and instantly find replacements when someone calls out sick.
To learn more — and try Deputy out for free — go to www.doctorpodcastnetwork.com/deputy

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Ep# 114 - What Adventure and Respite Really Mean with Dr. Errin Weisman
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
It's important to take a respite from your work. This is what restores your body and mind, and improves your creativity.
Today, Dr. Errin Weisman and I share the Taos Adventure - our week in Taos, New Mexico. We reflect on the amazing experiences, what we learned about ourselves, and what we are taking home with us. For context, this was unscripted and recorded after our Capstone Event.
If you want to boost efficiency across your practice and make staffing and scheduling easier, then head to doctorpodcastnetwork.com/deputy to learn more about this incredible app.

Friday Aug 27, 2021
Ep# 113 - Denial & the High Achiever
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
It’s been a rough year my friends. . .and this year was supposed to be different. There are many things happening around us and through us creating negative emotion. I’ve been coaching a lot on feeling better. . .and one pattern of high achievers is clear - denial.
Today’s episode covers how denial shows up, and a process you can use to walk through it. When you catch on to how your mind works, and the methods of distraction, you break free from feeling stuck. Create a new experience for yourself in tough times (and all times) - this episode will show you how to calm your mind and reclaim your time & energy.
This episode is sponsored by VIVE Funds. Is commercial real estate investing interesting to you? Need a partner? Allow VIVE Funds to show you the way. Reach Veena Jetti and her team at www.doctorpodcastnetwork.com/vivefunds

Friday Aug 20, 2021
Ep# 112 - Re-thinking What You Need
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
So many (of us) high achievers fall into the trap of believing that we need one more thing or need the next thing to experience happiness or fulfillment. Or we believe we need something outside of us to have more freedom.
But what if that’s simply not true?
Need creates scarcity. Need keeps us from seeing what we have or how far we’ve come. Today’s podcast episode looks at the word ‘need’ from a new perspective, and challenges you to remove this word from your vocabulary.
All to create a life that is truly unstoppable.
Have you ever considered a different way of practicing medicine? Whether you are burned out, need a change of pace, or are looking to supplement your income, locum tenens might be the solution for you.
Not sure where to start? Locumstory.com is the place where you can get real, unbiased answers to your questions.
They answer basic questions like, “What is locum tenens?”, to more complex questions about pay ranges, taxes, various specialties, and how locum tenens can work for you. Go to locumstory.com OR doctorpodcastnetwork.com/locumstory and get the answers.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Ep# 111 - Stretch Goals
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
There are many ways to grow in life. Today, we are talking about one of the best ways - through creating and working on a stretch goal.
A stretch goal is anything you don’t have the capability of doing now or in the foreseeable future. In order to accomplish it, you will have to evolve. This episode walks you through how and why stretch goals add so much value to your life.
A shout out to this episode’s sponsor Physician Coaching Alliance - If you're coaching curious or a coach yourself, go check out physician coaching alliance at doctorpodcastnetwork.com/coachingalliance.