Proud Member of Doctor Podcast Network The podcast for Smart Professionals who want a life of freedom and fulfillment. Each episode is created and delivered by a physician coach to help you experience more in life. . .through shifting mindset from one that keeps you stuck, to one that makes you unstoppable.

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Ep #90 - Natural Tendency Thinking
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Code blue in room 100.
My heart races, the nausea comes.
We all have natural tendencies. . .things we do because it is easy or automatic. Things we do without thinking about it because it's just. . . natural.
Our mind does the same thing. We have natural tendency thinking. It's automatic. . .meaning our mind automatically delivers it. . .especially during times of stress or uncertainty. Our mind in an instant fills up with doubt, fear, uncertainty. . .and the worst case scenario.
Natural tendency thinking is where my mind goes when I hear the code blue announcement. . .and why my heart races.
It's easy to believe that natural tendency thinking is who we are. Today's episode will challenge that. . . and show how this thinking is simply part of the human experience. And how it doesn't need to define your life experience.
An unstoppable life includes identifying your natural tendency thinking every time it comes up, and not letting it alter your path.

Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Ep #89 - Making the Right Decision
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
All of us want to make the 'right' decision every time. (Smile) Except. . .we are human. And often when growing our life, we don't have a framework that supports this growth. Today's episode will show you why your current framework for making decisions may fail. We'll also cover how to construct a new framework. . .one that leads to an extraordinary life.

Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Ep #88 - Belief 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Chances are you are working on a better version of you. . .this podcast will walk you through the steps of shedding outdated beliefs that are ingrained in your identity, so that you can cultivate new beliefs to create the life you want. It all starts with belief and is fueled by belief. . .you can create this and it's an honor to show you how.

Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Ep #87 - The Only Thing That Matters
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Welcome back - this episode is designed to simplify it all and show you the only thing that matters. . .the only thing that is necessary to Create an Unstoppable. It's so simple and complex. . . and it is a learned behavior. (Smile)

Monday Sep 14, 2020
Ep #86 - What Awareness Brings
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
There are some common patterns that occur within high achievers after starting coaching. . .one of them is what awareness of thinking brings.
This episode will explore what follows awareness. . .and how we can choose to think differently about it, and about ourselves.
Creating an Unstoppable Life begins with all the opportunities that awareness brings.

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Ep #85 - What You Need is NOT Rest
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
How many times have you been told (or told yourself) that you just need to slow down or rest? Rest may help you to continue to tolerate your life. . .but nothing changes. You don't get closer to answering the calling for your life.
This short episode explores why rest is not the answer for creating an unstoppable life. We'll cover what the answers ARE, and how you can apply them.
Your calling is waiting. . .the life of fulfillment and freedom is waiting for you to create it. . .and this episode is inspiration to keep going.

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Ep #84 - Another Look at Value
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
It's easy to forget the value of our lives and our work - especially five months into pandemic living. This short episode is a reminder of why your life matters & how to step into your value and allow it to lead your life and work. Cheering for you & your journey to Unstoppable.

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Ep #83 - Negotiations with Dr. Street
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Think of negotiation as a 4-letter word not expressed in polite company? Linda Street, MD, is a negotiation coach and physician who's here to shift your mindset. She will share what negotiations IS, what it IS NOT, and how you too can become confident and own your value. Negotiating from a place of empowerment is part of Creating an Unstoppable Life - and Linda will show you how. You can find her at SimplyStreetMD.com and in the NegotiatHER MD-Transparency and Strategy for Female Physicians facebook group.

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Ep #82 - Better
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Better - it's what we are called to be individually, especially now. This podcast episode highlights the work of self-improvement -> why do it, what it looks like, and who the beneficiaries are. Better is how WE Create an Unstoppable Life - for ALL of us.

Thursday May 14, 2020
Ep #81 - Why You Drive Yourself Crazy
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Have you been driving yourself crazy during this time of change? Today's episode introduces the concept of Owner and Operator of your life - for your life. We'll compare and contrast each role both in life and in business. And we'll explore where the breakdown occurs that leads to exhaustion. Owning your life is where joy and fulfillment are found - and this episode will guide you in that direction.